Ask An Expert – Natural Birth or Cesarean Section


Choosing a natural birth or a caesarean section remains a difficult choice for expectant mothers and their partners. Each method of childbirth has its own benefits and indeed its own advocates. Zhu Ruoyun (Obstetrician/Gynecologist) and Meika Chin (Midwife) from Shanghai United Family Hospital & Clinics have answers to some common questions that expectant mothers often ask.

Q: I heard that during natural delivery, the baby will experience a period of oxygen deficiency. Is this true?

The simple answer is no. During a natural delivery, your baby passes through the birth canal. This process helps your baby expel excess mucous and amniotic fluid from their lungs and airway, ultimately allowing the baby to breathe upon delivery. During labor and the delivery your baby’s heart beat is monitored to ensure their safety.

Q: I recently found out that my baby is in the breech position. Is it dangerous for me to go through with a natural delivery?

Most breech babies correct themselves by the 30th week of pregnancy. However if your baby’s position is still breech at 30-32 weeks, we will recommend certain exercises and Traditional Chinese Medicine that will encourage your baby to turn to the correct position. If your baby is one of the 3% that remains in the breech position at full term then a Caesarean birth will be the safest method of delivery.

Q: Will a caesarean hurt my baby?

The chances of the caesarean operation hurting your child are extremely small. This is a very common procedure and most Obstetricians have years of experience at performing it. Most babies born by caesarean section are normal, healthy and need no special care over and above a baby born naturally. Occasionally, however, babies born via caesarean section may have excess mucous and amniotic fluid in their lungs and airways (which is normally squeezed out in the birthing process). This is dealt with quickly and effectively after birth.

Q: Why do people choose to have a caesarean over a natural birth?

There are many and varied reasons for having a caesarean over a natural birth. Mothers may simply choose to have a caesarean section simply because of personal preference. Other reasons may be out of medical necessity. For example, in cases where the umbilical cord is wrapped around the baby’s neck, the baby is in breech position, or a detached placenta, a caesarean section is surgically indicated for the safety of your baby. Whatever the case, it is a choice that you, your partner and doctor will make after consultation.

Q: Which method of childbirth will give me back my figure faster?

The type of delivery is not really a factor in this matter. Breast feeding is actually the good method to restore your figure. Your baby takes around 500 calories from your body each day of breast feeding. Exercising will also speed the recovery process. Assuming the 6 week postpartum check is normal, we usually recommend starting an exercise schedule at that time.