Wee-One Exam


  • Children should have their first dental exam by their 1st Birthday. Shanghai United Family Hospital and Clinics supports both the American Association and International Association of Pediatric Dentistry recommendation of having your child’s first dental exam by their first birthday.
  • Pediatric dentists are specialists who focus on the oral health of infants, children,adolescents and people with special needs. Since children have unique dentaland emotional needs, a pediatric dentist is specially trained in behavioral management, to lessen stress during dental visits.
  • Babyteeth are important as they help in chewing, speech development, and keeping space for permanents to grow in place.
  • Babybottle decay or early childhood tooth decay happens when your child goes to bed with a bottle filled with milk or juice—anything except water. It usually affects children between the ages of 1 and 2. Breastfed infants who fall asleep while breastfeeding are also at risk.
  • Cavitiesor decay can lead to infection and swelling of the mouth and face, which may lead to pain. Early loss of baby teeth due to untreated cavities can lead to malnutrition, speech problems, and may affect a child’s confidence and self-esteem.
  • Fluoride use as a prevention of cavities is well recognized. Fluoride,added in tap water, has reduced children’s cavities by up to 50%. In China theuse of purified, distilled water devoid of fluoride, is common.
  1. Can we get fluoride in Shanghai? Regular use of children’s fluoride toothpaste is a good source of fluoride. You can also make anappointment at Shanghai United Family Dental Department every six months for a checkup and fluoride treatment.
    At what age should children make their first visit to the dentist? When the first tooth comes through (around the first birthday). An early visit givesan opportunity to provide advice on prevention, oral hygiene, and discuss yourdiet, teething problems, and oral habits.
  2. At what age should children make their first visit to the dentist? When the first tooth comes through (around the first birthday). An early visit gives an opportunity to provide advice on prevention, oral hygiene, and discuss yourdiet, teething problems, and oral habits.
  3. How to prepare your child for their first dental visit? Fora dentist there is little point in saving the tooth, scaring the child, andthen losing them as a patient! There are helpful websites and children’s books that explain dental visits and procedures. Treat the visit as a routine part of health care. If you are anxious, then the less you say the better. You cannot hide your anxiety from a child (they have special radars for these things!).