Health Tips During Chinese New Year


This year the Spring Festival is coming in February, which is still in winter and hence cold. It is also a high season for respiratory diseases. So we’d like to remind parents and children to pay attention to the prevention of respiratory infectious diseases such as flu and intestinal infectious diseases such as viral diarrhea while visiting relatives and friends.

Prevention of respiratory diseases

Children should have a balanced diet and regular lifestyle, ensure ample sleep, and keep warm.

Do not take children to densely-populated and air-polluted public places, to reduce the chance of exposure to pathogens.

When the air quality is good, open the windows for ventilation to keep the indoor air fresh.

Parents and children should strengthen personal hygiene and wash hands frequently. If the parent has fever, cough and other discomforting symptoms, it is best for them to wear a mask, reduce contact with children, and see a doctor timely for the avoidance of cross-infection.

Winter is a high season for contagious flues, so influenza vaccination should be considered.

Prevention of intestinal diseases

 Nearly 70% of gastroenteritis in winter is caused by viral infection such as norovirus, rotavirus, etc.

Develop good habits and wash hands frequently. Promptly and properly wash hands before eating and preparing food or after using the toilet and changing diapers.

Pay attention to food hygiene; raw and cooked ingredients should be prepared in separation; give children fresh and digestible food.

Do not overeat at gatherings during the Spring Festival, so as to avoid gastrointestinal discomfort. Avoid raw and cold dishes when taking children to eat out.

If the parent has diarrhea and/or vomiting, isolate from the children until the symptoms disappear. Dispose excrement and vomit standardly: Wash the surface of the contaminated articles immediately and sterilize with 84 disinfectant; wear the mask and gloves during the disposal for protection, to prevent the inhaling of virus particles.