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Internal Medicine Physician, Neurologist, Associate chief physician,




Internal Medicine Neurology




Message to Patients :

Bring Care, Hope to my patients

Areas of  Specialties:

◆Dr. Zhang has extensive clinical experience in neurology and is good at diagnosis and treatment of common diseases such as cerebrovascular disease, dizziness, headaches, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, dementia, sleep disorders, peripheral neuropathy, etc.

◆She has rich clinical experience in the diagnosis and treatment of difficult and critical cases of Neurology and has completed more than 100 cases of intravenous thrombolyses of acute cerebral infarction, independently.

Education Background:

◆Dr. Zhang graduated from Xiangya School of Medicine of Central South University in 1999 and obtained a bachelor’s degree in clinical medicine.

◆From 2004 to 2009, she studied at Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University and obtained a doctorate degree in medical neurobiology.

Work experience:

◆Dr. Zhang has more than ten years of clinical practice experience.

◆Before joining Shanghai United Family Hospital, Dr. Zhang worked in the Department of Neurology of Shanghai Sixth People’s Hospital which has been affiliated with Shanghai Jiaotong University for more than ten years.

◆She has a solid knowledge of neuroimaging diagnosis and rich experience in clinical diagnosis and treatment of common diseases, chronic diseases, difficult cases and critical illnesses in the Department of Neurology.

 Academic Achievement :

◆Dr. Zhang has published dozens of medical papers in international and domestic academic journals and has presided over one of the National Natural Science Foundations of the China Youth Project, namely the China Postdoctoral Fund and Shanghai Jiaotong University Medical-Industry Intersection Project.

◆She has also participated in a number of national and bureau-level projects. From August 2012 to August 2013, she had a further year of experience of working as a visiting scholar at the University of Carolina (UNC) in the United States.


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