Min LU

Chair of Pediatrics of Shanghai Market , United Family Healthcare
Chief Physician ,Pediatric Pulmonologist
MD, Postgraduate Tutor
Message to Patients:
May all UFH’s kids breathe smoothly and grow healthily
Areas of specialty treatments:
◆ Dr. Lu has several areas of specialty treatments including children with recurrent cough and wheezing, asthma/ allergy and refractory pneumonia, bronchoscopy and immunotherapy
◆ Dr. Lu is committed to: recurrent cough, asthma and allergies in children, allergens immunotherapy; Diagnosis and treatment of acute or chronic or recurrent respiratory tract infections and refractory pneumonia, chronic lung disease in children, Pediatric bronchoscopy, interstitial lung disease, diagnosis and treatment of children’s sleep apnea
Education Background:
◆Dr. Lu graduated from Shanghai Second Medical University in 1984, and received his M.D. from Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine in 2008
Working Experience:
◆Dr. Lu has nearly 40 years of clinical experience
◆Before joining Shanghai United Family Hospital and Clinics, he served as the Director of the Pulmonary Department of the Shanghai Children’s Hospital. He has made multiple scholarly visits to the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, the Mayo Clinic Children’s Center, and the Advocate Children’s Hospital in Chicago
Academic Achievement:
◆Dr Lu has also published dozens of academic articles in medical journals such as the Lancet Infection Journal
◆He has participated in the formulation and writing preparation of many guidelines or expert consents for the diagnosis and treatment of respiratory diseases in children, such as Guidelines for the management of Community-acquired pneumonia in children, expert consensus on the diagnosis and treatment of novel coronavirus infection in children, evidence-based guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia in children, etc.
Professional Memberships:
Dr Lu serve or have served as:
- Member of Respiratory Group of Pediatric Society of Chinese Medical Association(16 ~ 17)
- The deputy leader of the Infection Cooperation Group of the Respiratory Group of the Pediatric Society of the Chinese Medical Association
- Member of Pediatric Special Committee of Chinese Medical Education Association
- Deputy Head of the Infection Group, Children’s Health and Drug Research Committee, China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine
- Member of Pediatric Branch of Shanghai Medical Association,and Deputy head of respiratory group.
- Member of Allergy Branch of Shanghai Medical Association
- Member of Asian Network for Surveillance of Resistant Pathogens (ANSORP)
- Member of the American Thoracic Society (ATS) and the European Respiratory Society (ERS)
- Editorial Board Member of the Pediatric Pulmonology and Pediatric Respiratory Review
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