Internal Medicine Physician, Gastroenterologist & Endoscopist,Associate chief physician
Message to Patients:
Bring Care, Hope to my patients
Areas of specialty:
◆Dr. Kuai has several areas of specialty including endoscopy, early gastrointestinal tumors in diagnosis and treatment
◆Special endoscopy(Staining endoscopy, magnifying endoscopy, endoscopic ultrasonography, etc.), and endoscopic surgery
Education Background:
◆Dr. Kuai received her medical degree from FUDAN University in 2006
◆And was later awarded a internal medical Master’s degree in 2015 from Tongji University, and PhD in at present
Working Experience:
◆Dr.Kuai completed her medical resident standardization training in Tongren hospital in 2008, then work in endoscopy department ,where she developed expertise in all kinds of endoscopic operation technology and the treatment of various kinds of digestive diseases
◆Dr. Kuai working in the field of endoscopy has more than 14 years, and accumulated operating more than 500 cases of endoscopic complex surgery
Academic Achievement:
◆Dr. Kuai is a member of ShangHai Medical Association
◆In addition to her clinical work, Dr. Kuai is published in medical journals, including 《Neoplasma》、《Journal of clinical and experimental medicine》
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