LongXia CHEN

Pediatrician, Neonatologist
Message to Patients:
I can’t guarantee that things will get better, but I promise to give you my full attention
Areas of specialty:
Dr. LongXia Chen has several areas of specialty:
◆Common diseases in pediatrics: fever, cough, cold,etc
◆Newborns Care
◆Well baby check up
◆Early screening and evaluation of children’s health related diseases and early childhood development education.
Education Background:
◆Dr. Chen received her Bachelor of Medicine Degree from Shandong First Medical University (formerly Taishan Medical University in 2011
◆Awarded a medical Master’s degree in 2014 from Fudan University
◆Dr. Chen completed HER medical training in 2017 at The Children’s Hospital Affiliated of Fudan University, where she treated patients, and developed expertise in managing conditions ranging from Pediatrics to Newborns common and critical diseases
◆Hold ASQ-3, ASQ-SE certificate
Working Experience:
◆Dr. Chen has over 10 years of clinical experience
◆Before joining United Family Healthcare Shanghai Service Area, Dr. Chen served in the Children’s Hospital Affiliated of Fudan University and Maternal and Child Health Hospital of Changning Districts a specialist in curing the common pediatric and neonatal diseases, the Child Health Caring, and the Early childhood development education
Academic Achievement:
◆Dr. Chen is published in medical journals, including 《Plos one》《Chinese Journal of Evidence-based Pediatrics》
◆Dr. Chen participated in the compilation of “Grow Together with Babies (the Manual of 0-3 years Infants Family Education Guidance )” and “Wonderful Bones (Qiaohu Early Education Picture Book )”
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