Yangning Zhou

Areas of specialty treatments:
Dr. Zhou is an expert in anesthesia for various types of surgeries, particularly in general surgery, orthopedics, and cardiothoracic surgery. He is highly skilled in performing various anesthesia-related procedures, such as neuraxial anesthesia, ultrasound-guided peripheral nerve blocks, fascial plane blocks, and venous and arterial punctures. Additionally, he has extensive clinical experience in using nerve blocks to treat neuropathic pain and modulate sympathetic nervous system function.
Dr. Zhou graduated from Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine in 2008. He completed his internship at Ruijin Hospital. He then underwent residency training at Tongren Hospital. In 2016, he obtained his Master’s degree in Anesthesiology from Tongji University School of Medicine.
Dr. Zhou has over fifteen years of clinical work experience. Prior to joining Shanghai United Family Hospital, Dr. Zhou worked at Tongren Hospital for nearly six years. He then spent nearly ten years at Ruijin Hospital, where he was promoted to attending anesthesiologist. During his time there, he gained proficiency in anesthesia management for various surgeries, as well as the treatment of neuropathic pain and cancer pain.
Dr. Zhou has also participated in medical missions in Yunnan province, gaining extensive experience in performing major surgeries and emergency rescues in high-altitude areas.
Dr. Zhou is a certified anesthesiologist by the Chinese Medical Doctor Association. He has also published academic articles in the medical journal “International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology.”
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