Huaihui ZHANG

Department Chair of Psychiatry
Areas of specialty treatments:
Dr. Zhang specializes in insomnia, depression, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, attention deficit disorder, trauma or stress-related disorder, mania and bipolar disorder, Alzheimer’s disease, schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders.
Fudan University, School of Medicine
Passed the United States Medical Licensing Examination and certified
Dr. Zhang has nearly 20 years of clinical experience. Before joining Shanghai United Family Healthcare, Dr. Zhang worked or was trained at the Connecticut Mental Health Center, PACT Clinic at Atlanta, Shanghai Mental Health Center, Yangpu Hospital affiliated with Tongji University, and Shanghai Yangpu Mental Health Center. Besides outpatient clinic duties, Dr. Zhang is also in charge of the United Family Pudong Hospital’s psychiatric consulting service in emergency settings, and the referral to psychiatric inpatient facility.
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