Nicole HUANG

Registered Dietitian
Public health and preventive medicine
Message to Patients:
Bring Care, Hope to my patients
Areas of specialty:
◆ Medical nutritional therapy for obesity, diabetics, hyperuricemia, hyperlipemia, tumor
◆ Diet consulting for people at all life stages and those with special dietary requirements such as vegetarians, and also enteral nutritional support.
Education Background:
◆Ms. Huang received her bachelor’s degree in nutrition from Shanghai Jiaotong University, School of Medicine in 2012.
◆During her study in Jiaotong, she completed “food safety and nutrition” course in University College Dublin
◆A registered dietitian at Chinese Nutrition Society
◆First-class sports nutritionist, General Administration of Sport of China
Working Experience:
◆Ms. Huang has over seven years of clinical experience
◆Before joining United Family Healthcare Shanghai market, Ms. Huang worked in Shanghai Ninth People’s Hospital, as a specialist in nutritional therapy for acute and chronic diseases, nutritional consulting for people at all life stages, for those with special dietary requirements, and providing enternal nutrition support
Academic Achievement:
◆Published a number of papers in journals including 《Free Radical Biology and Medicine》, 《Geriatrics and Health Care》, 《Shanghai Journal of Stomatology》, 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Medical Science) 》, and has participated in editing multiple books
Honors, Awards:
◆the Star of Future ——first National Dietitian Competition in 2017
◆1st Prize——Diet design competition held by China Nutrition Society in 2019
Professional Memberships:
◆ Committee member of Community Nutrition and Health Management, China Nutrition Society,the Chronic Disease Nutrition Management Center of Healthy China Project, the Subspecialty group of Cardiology, Shanghai Diet Therapy Research Society
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