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Chair Chief Expert of Orthopedics, UFH , South China
Chair of Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Center, UFH Shanghai Market
Associate General Manager of UFH Shanghai Market
Co-Chairman of UFH Internet Hospital Planning Management Advisory Committee


MD, Professor, Doctoral Supervisor, Chief Physician


Orthopedic & Sports Medicine





Dr. Tan Jun specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and injuries in the fields of spine surgery and orthopedics. He was selected as one of the top ten spine surgeons in China and specialises in the diagnosis and treatment of difficult spine diseases, spine trauma and spine deformity. He is particularly good at minimal invasive treatment of spine, such as microscopic and foraminal techniques, correction of severe spine deformity, difficult upper cervical spondylosis, cervical vertebra and anterior spine surgery.


Dr. Tan Jun graduated from the Second Military Medical University with a bachelor’s degree and a doctor’s degree in clinical medicine and orthopedics in 1989 and 1996, respectively. He studied under the guidance of Professor Tu Kaiyuan, the founder of modern orthopedics and trauma surgery in China and a famous orthopedics expert. He received specialized training in spine surgery in Denver and Las Vegas, USA, and studied in hospitals in the USA, Germany and Singapore.


Dr. Tan Jun has more than 30 years of clinical experience. Before joining Shanghai United Family Hospital, Dr. Tan worked in the Spine Surgery Department of Shanghai Changzheng Hospital for 15 years and for another 15 years in Oriental Hospital and Oriental International Hospital of Tongji University, where he served as Director of Orthopedics and Director of Emergency Surgery for a long time. He also served as the vice president of Dong Fang Hospital.

Academic Status:

Dr. Tan Jun has published nearly 40 SCI papers and 400 Chinese papers.

As a professor and doctoral supervisor in the School of Medicine, he has trained more than 40 doctors and masters, and won the Excellent Organization Award of Standardized Training of Resident Doctors in Shanghai.

Dr. Tan Jun has won many national natural science funds and national key research and development projects and was awarded as the leading talent of orthopedics in Pudong New Area and received the third prize of Shanghai Science and Technology Progress Award.

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