Zu Jing Yang

Associate General Manager, Shanghai United Family Pudong Hospital
Chair of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Chief Physician
Areas of specialty:
Dr. Yang Zu Jing specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases in perinatology, maternity critical care, and fetal medicine.
Dr. Yang received her medical bachelor degree and master degree from Shanghai Second Medical University (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, School of Medicine) in 1982 and 1989 respectively. She started working in Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of Xinhua Hospital in 1982 and had further study in Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1993. She subsequently served as mentor in the Medical Master program in 1997 and was promoted as Chief physician in 2003.
Dr. Yang has over 40 years of clinical experience in Obstetrics and Gynecology. Prior to joining Shanghai United Family Xincheng Hospital, Dr. Yang Zujing worked at Xinhua Hospital for more than 30 years and served as the General Manager of a well-known private hospital in Shanghai for 5 years. She specializes in obstetric and maternal health care and management, fetal growth and development monitoring, maternity critical care, and fetal medicine. She had also served as the director of Shanghai Xinhua Hospital Maternity Critical Care and Rescue Center, as well as the director of Prenatal Diagnosis Center. In addition, she is the committee member of China Healthy Birth Science Association, Chinese Medical Association, Obstetrics and Pregnancy-related Hypertensive Diseases Group, Chinese society of prenatal medicine, Chinese obstetrics and Gynecology association. She presided over and participated in a number of national and Shanghai municipal projects. One of the projects she participated, “Early Diagnosis and Prevention of Fetal and Newborn Ischemia and Hypoxia” in 1991 had won the third prize of National Science and Technology Progress, the third prize of Medical Science and Technology Progress of the Ministry of Health and the second prize of Shanghai Science and Technology Progress. She has published more than 100 papers in the medical journals. Moreover, she edited and translated “Maternal health” and participated in the compilation of “Perinatal Medicine Manual”, “Monitoring and Management of High-risk Pregnancy” and “Science of Obstetrics and Gynecology”.
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