Rehabilitation Physician
Message to Patients:
Bring Care, Hope to my patients
Areas of Specialty:
◆Diagnosis and treatment of sports injuries, chronic back pain, back pain, cervical headache, and hip and knee joint pain
◆Rehabilitation diagnosis and treatment after orthopedic surgery
◆Postoperative rehabilitation diagnosis and treatment of neurosurgery such as brain surgery
◆Dry needle technique for treating various types of musculoskeletal pain
Education Background:
◆Dr. XIONG received his PhD from [Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University] in 2014
◆Dr. XIONG completed his medical training in Rehabilitation Medicine at Shanghai East Hospital in 2017, where he treated patients, and developed expertise in managing conditions ranging from Bone and skeletal muscles to Nervous System
Working Experience:
◆Dr. XIONG has over 10 years of clinical experience. Before joining United Family Healthcare Shanghai Service Area, Dr. XIONG served in Shanghai East Hospital, Bainuo Clinic as a specialist in Rehabilitation.
◆In 2017, Dr. XIONG served 34th Chinese Antarctic Expedition Team as chief medical officer in The Antarctic for half year.
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