Chief Medical Officer, Shanghai United Family Pudong Hospital
Associate Chief Physician
Areas of specialty:
Dr. Zhao has several areas of specialty including general Orthopedics, adult reconstructive surgery and sporting medicine, especially specialized in Treatment of Knee/Hip/Shoulder/Ankle pain and joint replacement surgeries.
Dr. Zhao graduated from Tong Ji Medical College of HUST Bachelor & Master of Medicine in 2006 and received his Doctoral Degree of Orthopedics from SMMU in 2012. Dr. Zhao visited and observed in a number of Surgical Centers in the United States, Canada, Germany and Hong Kong.
Dr. Zhao has more than 15 years of clinical practice and management experience. Before joining Shanghai United Family Pudong hospital, Dr. Zhao worked as an Orthopedic Specialist in Shanghai Changzheng Hospital (Second Affiliated Hospital of Naval Military Medical University). He also served as the CMO of an Internet orthopedic hospital and the General Manager of its northwest center since 2018. Dr. Zhao is the Youth Committee Member of Orthopedics Branch in the Chinese Medical Association, the Committee Member of the Arthroplasty / Information Construction Committee of China College of Orthopedic Surgeon (CCOS), Arthroplasty group of Shanghai Association of Orthopedic Surgeon and China Branch of Arthroplasty Society in Asia (ASIA). He is also the editorial board member of the Chinese Journal of Joint Surgery, Orthopedics and Arthroplasty. In addition to focusing on clinical practice, Dr. Zhao also published several academic articles in medical journals such as Chinese Medical Journal, and participated in a number of basic and clinical scientific project researches related to adult reconstructive surgery.
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