Lucky XU

Intermediate Therapist
Areas of specialty:
Ms. Xu has several areas of specialty including rehabilitation of musculoskeletal pain, sports injury, postpartum rehabilitation, orthopedic surgery and chronic disease management.
Ms. Xu received her undergraduate degree in 2014 from Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Ms. XU completed her medicine training in rehabilitation medicine at Shanghai Yangzhi Rehabilitation Hospital(Shanghai Sunshine Rehabilitation Center)in 2010, where she treated patients, and developed expertise in managing conditions ranging from Musculoskeletal rehabilitation to Postpartum rehabilitation.
Ms. Xu has over 12 years of clinical experience. Before joining United Family Healthcare Shanghai Service Area, Ms. Xu served in Lanhai clinic Rehabilitation medicine as a specialist in rehabilitation of musculoskeletal pain, Postpartum, Sports injury, and Chronic disease. Ms. Xu is board certified by the Chinese Association of Health Management cardiopulmonary health professional committee and is a member of Cardiorespiratory Health Professional Committee.
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