Victor GONG

TCM Associate Chief Physician, Chiropractor
Proficient in:
Chiropractics Treatment. Cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spondylosis. Postpartum pelvic rehabilitation. Scoliosis correction.
Dr. Gong was graduated from Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine with a Master’s degree in Medicine. He has studied chiropractic at Northwestern University of Health Sciences in the United States. He studied spinal rehabilitation and motor rehabilitation at Mayo CLINIC SPORTS MEDICINE and Stanford MEDICINE in the United States. Dr. Gong also studied postpartum pelvic rehabilitation at Wellington Hospital in the UK and the Herman &Wanlace Pelvic Rehabilitation Institute in the US.
Working Experience:
Dr. Gong has over 10 years of clinical experience, integrating traditional Chinese massage with American chiropractics, physical therapy, and rehabilitation training to treat spinal diseases in multiple dimensions.
1、Chiropractic treatment for cervical spondylosis caused by neck and shoulder pain, numbness in fingers, dizziness, headache, physiological curvature straightening, and arch inversion.
2、The American Thompson compression technique (Drop Table) is used to treat postpartum low back pain, pubic separation, pelvic widening, and pelvic tilt in women.
3、Schroth from Germany treats adolescent scoliosis and corrects incorrect postures such as rounded shoulders, hunchback, high and low shoulders, and long and short legs in children;
4、CranioSacral Therapy treats symptoms such as insomnia, anxiety, depression, tinnitus, chest tightness, palpitations, and other autonomic nervous system disorders
5、Visceral manipulation is used to treat chronic lower back pain, sciatica caused by lumbar disc herniation, and radiating pain and numbness in the lower limbs.
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