Donghao Chen

Attending Plastic Surgeon
Areas of specialty:
Dr. Chen Donghao is dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of diseases in the field of cosmetic surgery and anesthesiology such as androgen alopecia, postpartum alopecia, hair thinning, hairline shift, alopecia areata and other hair problems, as well as mass resection, cosmetic surgical suture, liposuction, facial mesodermal therapy, etc.
Dr.Chen graduated from Mudanjiang Medical University in 2013 and with a master’s degree of Clinical Medicine In Dalian Medical University. He completed medical training in Anesthesiology and was promoted as an attending Anesthesiologist in 2019. Afterwards, he completed plastic surgery training, then was promoted to an attending plastic surgeon and achieved chief cosmetic doctor. He developed his expertise in various subspecialties of cosmetic surgery.
Dr. Chen has more than 10 years of clinical experience. Prior to joining United Family Healthcare Shanghai Market, Dr. Chen worked in large tertiary hospitals in Heilongjiang Province and Shanghai. Dr. Chen specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of various common hair diseases,etc.12001200
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