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Frequently Asked Questions on Measles, Measles Rubella (MR) or Measles Mumps Rubella (MMR) vaccine:

What are these vaccines for?

Both measles/MR vaccine and MMR vaccine are for immunity against the measles disease, a kind of viral illness that causes pneumonia, meningitis, and deafness in young children and also miscarriage in pregnant women. This disease is highly contagious and spread from person to person via respiratory droplets.

When is the measles vaccine administered?

In China, the first dose of the measles/MR vaccination is scheduled at 8 months old, followed by the MMR vaccine at 18 months old. In most countries outside China the measles vaccine is given at 12 months old and the booster dose at 4 to 6 years old.

Why can’t Shanghai United Family Hospital and Clinics (SHU) provide this vaccine now?

Measles vaccine (comes as single measles, MR or MMR vaccine) is a free-of charge Chinese government subsidized vaccine (Category 1 vaccine).

SHU as a private hospital has been working with the Shanghai Center of Diseases Control (CDC) for the last 12 years to provide a large range of these government-subsidized vaccines, free-of-charge to our community.

However from August 2016 until further notice, the Shanghai government has placed temporary limits on these Category 1 vaccines from private hospitals and clinics. SHU will run out of this essential measles vaccine by early September 2016.

Where can parents go to get the measles vaccination for their baby according to the vaccination schedule?

There are 268 public CDC vaccination stations in all 15 districts in Shanghai where the free-of charge Category 1 measles vaccine is still available.

You can refer to the official Shanghai CDC website for the addresses and contact numbers of 268 Vaccine Centers within Shanghai  (in Chinese only):

If you need assistance for scheduling a measles vaccine (at a designated location near our hospital), please call our appointment center for more information.

What do my baby and I need to bring on the day to get this measles vaccine?

You only need to bring your own national immunization record or the official Shanghai immunization record (green book). If you do not have one, you can request one from our clinic during your baby’s visit.

I bought the vaccination package from SHU. Will the hospital refund me for not having this vaccine?

The measles vaccine has not been included in the vaccination package price, therefore no refund is necessary.

However we will assist you as much as is necessary to make sure your baby receives this essential vaccine to ensure complete immunization protection for your family and for public health.


Pediatric department can take record of your needs and contact you when the vaccine returns to stock.

For any related questions, please call our appointment center at 400 639 3900.

Shanghai United Family Hospital and Clinics, 2016 September

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