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United Family Home Health Launches New Services

United Family Home Health (UFHH) is one of the first home care services in China, and its vision is to provide clients and their families with United Family Healthcare’s world-class medical care from the comfort of their homes. Since UFHH began in 2012, the service has been widely praised for its convenience, high-quality medical care, and privacy. Medical services UFHH provides strictly adhere to international standards like those at all United Family Healthcare facilities.

Recently UFHH launched a series of new services based on customer demand and feedback. New services include biliblanket treatment for neonatal jaundice, pediatric development care for infants and young children, medical aid for post-surgical recovery, and palliative care for those patients at the end of life.  At the same time, a private doctor platform was established to provide comprehensive healthcare for the whole family.

UFH Patient Portal