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United Family Home Health (Shanghai) Welcomes Pediatrician Dr. Yang Tianjiao

UFHH officially launched in Shanghai in July and has been operating since November, 2013. With a series of new services being brought to the table, the Shanghai team also welcomed new member to the medical team – Dr. Yang Tianjiao.

Dr. Yang Tianjiao is a respected senior pediatrician with over 20 years of experience in the field of pediatric infectious diseases and liver disease. She has treated many complicated cases, including bacterical meningitis, urinary tract infection, congenital CMV infection, EBV infection and infant cholestasis. She is also skilled in performing lumber puncture, bone marrow aspiration, thoracentesis and liver biology.

Dr. Yang graduated from Shanghai Medical University with a Bachelor’s degree in Medical Science, and completed her Master and PhD in Pediatric Infectious Diseases at Fudan University. She also took part in training programs in Vancouver and London.

Dr. Yang speaks Mandarin and English. She says, “As a pediatrician, my greatest joy and privilege is seeking the best ways to treat sick children and saving their lives.”

With the latest addition to further strengthen our medical offering in pediatric care, United Family Home Health is able to bring better services to more families who trust and choose our world-class home care services.

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