Important Announcement on United Family Healthcare Ebola Preparations
Dear United Family Healthcare Patients and Friends,
You may have seen numerous recent news reports of the fight to contain the spread of the Ebola virus worldwide. While there have been no reports of Ebola cases in China, United Family Healthcare (UFH) medical personnel across our system are making every effort to keep apprised daily in this dynamic situation, and we are maintaining a high level of preparedness as advised by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the World Health Organization (WHO), the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and other relevant authorities. We are committed to maximizing the safety of all our patients, staff, and their families at every UFH facility.
Especially as the flu season approaches, UFH has taken several additional steps to ensure the safety of our community. This includes restricting patient access to certain areas, creating special additional fever screening areas, monitoring patient flow and travel history, and investing in additional protective gear and training for our staff, and increasing awareness throughout all UFH facilities.
Depending on the nature of this year’s infectious disease situation, Chinese health authority recommendations, and our precautions, United Family patients may experience a number of related changes around our facilities. We hope that you understand and are not inconvenienced by these activities, which are ultimately for the safety and health of all of us in the community. Please help us keep a safe and healthy environment for all.
More information and the latest updates on current infectious disease control worldwide can be found at www.who.int; www.cdc.gov; and www.chinacdc.cn.
United Family Healthcare
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