Jingyu HANG

Cardiologist, Interventional cardiologist
Message to Patients :
Bring Care, Hope to my patients
Areas of Specialties:
◆Highly competent in the use of intravascular imaging, functional assessment technique, and complex interventional devices.
◆Highly experienced in managing hypertension, lipid disorder, and heart failure.
Education Background :
◆Graduated from Shanghai Second Medical University in 1995 and completed his postgraduate training at the Medical School of Jiaotong University in 2006 obtaining his Master of Medicine.
◆ From 2006 to 2007 he completed his interventional cardiology fellowship (special registration) at the Monash Medical Centre, Melbourne.
Working Experience :
◆ Dr. Hang has long been serving as an interventional cardiologist in Shanghai Sixth’s People’s Hospital before practicing in UFH, and has performed 5,000 PCI procedures as primary surgeon.
Academic Achievement :
◆ Dr. HANG has been a faculty member of the Chinese Interventional Therapeutic (CIT) since 2008.
◆ Meanwhile, he is also a member of the CDMA international exchange and liaison group of cardiology. Dr. Hang has several publications in academic periodicals.
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