Jianying MAO

Ultrasound Physician
Areas of specialty:
Dr. Mao has specialty diagnose ability in the area of Musculoskeletal Ultrasound.
Dr. Mao received her medical undergraduate degree from Tongji University Clinical Medicine in 1998, and was later awarded a medical imaging and nuclear medicine Master’s degree in 2012 from Tongji University Medicine. Dr. Mao completed her ultrasound standardized training in the 6th hospital ultrasonography department of Shanghai respectively in 2004 & in 2006. Up to now, She has made herself master of abdomen,pelvic studies,small parts,vascular and musculoskel-etal ultrasound et al.
Dr. Mao has over 10 years of ultrasonography clinical experience. Before joining United Family Healthcare Shanghai Service Area, Dr. Mao served in GuangHua hospital ultrasonography department affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine as a specialist in musculoskeletal ultrasound.
Dr.Mao is a standing committee member of Chinese Medical Doctor Association, Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Committee and a committee member of Chinese Ultrasound Medical Engineering Association, Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Committee as well. In addition to her clinical work, Dr. Mao is published in medical journals, including the Chinese Medical Journal and Chinese journal of medical imaging technology.
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