Yuanwen ZHANG

TCM Physician, Associate Chief Physician
Master of TCM
Areas of specialty:
Dr. Zhang has several areas of specialty including internal medicine, gynecological diseases, difficult and complicated cases, and health promotion.
Dr. Zhang received her Bachelor degree and Master degree from Shanghai University of TCM in 2008 and 2011. She completed her residency in Internal Medicine of TCM in Yueyang Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine Hospital, affiliated to Shanghai University of TCM. From 2014 to 2017, she completed the standardized training for specialists in Internal Medicine of TCM. Dr. Zhang did her fellowship training at Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital in 2016 and 2021, specializing in respiratory medicine.
Dr. Zhang has over 15 years of clinical experience, and her annual outpatient volume exceeds one thousand. Before joining Shanghai United Family Healthcare Shanghai Service Area, Dr. Zhang served in Shanghai Yueyang Hospital, where she was dedicated to herbal medicine, acupuncture and external therapy. Dr. Zhang is skilled in the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases in TCM, including pulmonary, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular and gynecological diseases, etc.
Since the end of 2021, Dr. Zhang worked in Wenshan Prefecture, Yunnan Province, China for over half a year. As the leader of Shanghai Poverty relief medical team and a specialist in TCM, she was highly evaluated by local residents and government.
Dr. Zhang is a member of senior TCM expert He Xinhui’s Studio. She has been a young Commissioner of Shanghai Society of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine for 7 years. In addition to her clinical work, Dr. Zhang has published 6 academic papers and participated in the compilation of 2 books. Also, she has a lot of teaching experience at the Shanghai University of TCM.
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