Sarai Rosy Hendrica NIETVELT

Family Medicine Physician, Program Director-Family Medicine Fellowship
Message to Patients:
Health is a journey – We are more than happy to walk it with you and your family, because in family medicine we coordinate your care from the moment you are born to the golden years
Areas of specialty treatments:
◆Family Medicine
◆Pediatric Care, experienced with the French and German child checkup forms and international university applications
◆ Emergency Medicine
◆Tropical Medicine
◆Prenatal Care and Lactation Support
◆ Comprehensive mental health support, including eating disorders and LQTBQ community support
Education Background:
International Postgraduate Pediatric Certificate, University of Sydney, Australia (2016-2018)
◆Emergency Medicine, Free University of Brussels, Belgium (2005-2008)
◆General Practitioner, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium (2003-2005)
◆Tropical Medicine, Institute of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Antwerp, Belgium (2002-2003)
◆Medical Degree, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium (1995-2002)
Working Experience:
Dr. Nietvelt brings over 20 years of diverse medical experience to her practice:
◆Family Medicine Program Director at United Family Hospitals and Clinics (2019-present)
◆Family Physician at Shanghai United Family Hospital (2006-present)
◆ Senior Medical Officer for International SOS (2005-2011)
◆ General Practitioner in Belgium (2003-2005)
◆Language: Dutch, English, French, Spanish. Mandarin and German (basics only)
Honors, Awards and Professional Memberships:
◆Be honored with the 2nd Changning District Hongqiao Friendship Award
◆Dr. Sarai, a long-term resident of Changning, is committed to cultivating excellent local general practitioners in Shanghai
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