Foot & Ankle Surgeon Consultant
Dr SW Kong is an orthopedic surgeon who showed interest in innovative minimally invasive foot & ankle surgery, especially ankle arthroscopy, hind foot endoscopy, tendoscopy, Achilles tendon problems, ankle ligament problems, foot & ankle injuries, leg and foot pain in runners, and flat feet.
After Dr Kong completed his schooling in Hong Kong, he started his career at Tuen Mun Hospital and further developed in Foot & Ankle. He left the public sector and joined AMS to be one of the key orthopedic surgeons in Foot and Ankle. His current fields of interest include minimally invasive distal chevron osteotomy (for bunions); endoscopic surgery of bone spur (for resistant heel pain); minimally invasive decompression for hallux rigidus (arthritis of the big toe); and the anti-ROLL technique all-arthroscopic lateral ankle ligament reconstruction (for post sprain ankle instability).
As he is interested in the field of minimally invasive foot and ankle surgery, Dr Kong has presented his experiences at numerous conferences and symposiums over the years. Just like other foot surgeons, Dr Kong has published, presented and taught on a variety of Foot and Ankle surgery topics. He is also active in the Foot and Ankle community. He was formerly a vice president of Hong Kong Orthopedic Association (2015-2016), chapter vice president of the Foot and Ankle Chapter(2015-2016) and Honorary Secretary of the Hong Kong Foot and
Ankle Society (2014-2018). He is currently a Council Member of the Hong Kong Orthopedic Association and a Council Member of the Foot and Ankle Chapter.
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