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Here is the Secret Letter Shared with You


Dear Shanghai United Family Hospital:

On 4 November 2017, during a business trip to South Korea and China, I was injured in a fall (while boarding a shuttle bus in Seoul, South Korea).  Even though I was in considerable pain at the time, I decided not to go to an emergency room in Seoul, because I didn’t want a trip to the hospital to delay my flight to Shanghai, or interfere with my business meetings in Kunshan (which were scheduled for later that same day).  However, by the time that my flight landed in Shanghai, it was obvious that I needed to seek medical attention at a hospital.  Ask yourself, “If you were injured in a foreign country – where would you seek medical treatment”?  Fortunately, a business associate recommended that I be taken to the Shanghai United Family Hospital.

I will never forget the prompt, professional, friendly, and extremely-thorough medical care that I received at your facility.  The entire staff was incredibly attentive!And now. as I prepare for our annual Thanksgiving holiday in the U.S., I have a special reason to give thanks that I was taken to the Shanghai United Family Hospital.To your entire staff – I thank you, so much!

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