Ling YU

Expert of Pediatric Urology Department
Areas of specialty:
Dr. Yu has pediatric urology congenital diagnosis and treatments including (1) congenital urinary diseases in children, such as hypospadias, congenital hydronephrosis, vesicoureteral reflux, cryptorchidism, hermaphroditism in children, concealed penis, buried penis, phimosis, hydrocele (2) tumor of urinary system, testicular tumor, etc (3) Urinary system trauma, emergency.
Dr. Yu Ling graduated from Shanghai Second Medical University (now Medical College of Shanghai Jiaotong University) in 1990, major in pediatrics specialty. In 2004, Dr. Yu completed her medical training in Paris France Robert Debre Hospital and was later awarded the certification of 《ATTESTATION DE FORMATION SPECIALISEE APPROFONDIE 》 (major in pediatric surgery). She also practiced in pediatric urology department of Boston Children’s Hospital and Osaka Maternal and child health center in the United States. She has been practicing in various clinical departments and is proficient in the diagnosis and treatment of children’s urinary diseases.
Dr. Yu has over 30 years of clinical experience. Dr. Yu served in Shanghai Children’s hospital as a specialist in pediatric urology congenital diagnosis and treatments for more than 30 years. She is a member of orthopedic and urinary control group of Shanghai urology branch, and a member of Shanghai Women Doctors Association. She is a member of the first professional committee of urinary and pelvic floor rehabilitation of Shanghai Rehabilitation Medical Association, and a member of the expert committee of children and adolescents of Shanghai sex education association.
She has published many articles in domestic and foreign journals, and as the project leader, undertook the research project of Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission on “reconstruction of glans with hypoplastic urethral cavernous body and penis Buck’s fascia to reduce the complications of coronal fistula and glans dehiscence after hypospadias urethroplasty”.
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