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官宣 | 上海和睦家医疗现已纳入MSH万欣和“非昂贵医疗” 机构

尊敬的客人 Dear Guests,
自 8 月 1 日起,MSH 万欣和正式将上海和睦家医疗旗下所有医疗机构(上海和睦家医院、上海和睦家新城医院、上海和睦家丰尚门诊部、上海合满家门诊部、和睦家沛源门诊部)调整至其标准高端计划的“非昂贵医疗机构”,这意味着:MSH 高端医疗保险的客户可来上海和睦家医疗网络下任意机构就诊,按其福利计划 ,并且无需承担昂贵医疗机构自付额
As of 1st August, Shanghai United Family Hospitals and Clinics have been designated as cost effective providers by MSH. Clients of MSH are now able to enjoy our high quality medical services with 0% copay.
和睦家医疗与包括 MSH 万欣和在内全球百余家第三方服务机构进行直接结算合作,在方便患者就医、节省时间的前提下,提高就医效率,提供更全方位的医疗服务。UFH has direct billing cooperation with more than 100 third-party service institutions around the world, including MSH, to improve access to our comprehensive range of medical services.

在“非昂贵医疗机构”的定位之下,通过未来进一步积极与第三方服务机构合作,助力医疗保险控费政策获得更为有效的执行,最终实现病患、院方、服务商三方互惠共赢。By no longer being categorised as a “High Cost Provider”, medical insurance costs can be more effectively controlled, achieving a win-win situation for patients, hospitals and other service providers.

作为上海较早的综合性外资医疗机构,和睦家持续聚焦沪上高品质民营医疗服务创新发展,目前已在上海拥有的两家综合性医院和三家社区诊所。本次保险策略优化,是和睦家更好回报申城、提升高品质医疗服务可及性的实践举措,也希望和睦家的高品质医疗服务今后能走进更多申城家庭。As one of the earliest established international medical institutions in Shanghai, United Family Healthcare Shanghai now operate two general hospitals and three community clinics in the city. Our new insurance positioning will enable UFH to better support the community in Shanghai by improving access to high quality international medical services.
